Picasaを外部から利用するAPIの利用規約を読んだのでメモ。全て読んだわけではないので、間違っているかも。主に商用部分だけ。 [Picasa Web Albums Data API]Picasa Web Albums Data API Terms of Service [原文] You may use the Picasa Web Albums API as part of a commercial or non-commercial enterprise, subject to these Terms. You may not however charge a separate fee for use of the Picasa Web Albums API unless you have entered into a separate signed agreement with Google. [訳] あなたは、この規約に従う限り、商用または非商用としてPicasa Web Albums APIを使用することが出来る。しかしながら、Googleとの個別契約をしてない限り、Picasa Web Albums APIの使用を別途請求することは出来ない(再販禁止) [原文] In order to use the Picasa Web Albums API with your service, all End Users on your service must have previously created their own individual Picasa Web Albums accounts. You must explicitly notify End Users that they are accessing their Picasa Web Albums accounts through your service. In other words, you may not create one or more Picasa Web Albums accounts for the purpose of storing images on behalf of users without thos...